'Last-Minute' Checklist
last update: 14 March 2020
We have separate carry-on and check-in lists, but it's also useful to have a 'last minute' list just to remind yourself not forget something at the last minute. This list also has a number of extras that might just be useful, who knows!
Stick the list to the front door so you see it as you leave…
Travel documents/tickets
Passports/ID cards
Driving licence
Credit cards
Computer/tablet/mobile phone (optional: separate backup drives)
Socket adapters
Camera/memory cards
Photocopy of essential documents (tickets, passports, credit cards, etc. …)
Essential medication, and list of medication/prescriptions/doctor certification
List of contacts (bank, health insurance, travel insurance, national embassy/consulate, …)
Accident declaration forms/medical certificate templates.
There are a lot of packing lists on the Web, but I have used the following:-
"Don't forget me" list
I also have a little list of things that I need to remember, because I have forgotten them in the past. I also stick this one to the front door. My list includes my electric shaver and charger cable, phone charger, local currency coins, …, and for my wife, eye makeup remover. I stick the list on the front door, so I see it as I leave…
And now, COVID oblige, plenty of face masks and hand sanitisers.